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Friday, August 19, 2011

Apologies For Not Blogging As Much As Usual

The reason for my current-subjects blogging laxness is my massive blogging struggle this summer with my four "Breaking Bad" posts on this Weblog (see sidebar). With Season Four of the television series in full swing, the Breaking-Bad posts require editing and re-editing, sometimes every single day. Together with "OldeSaultie" in Virginia, we appear to be the current leading authorities on the subject of filming locations on the Web, at a time when interest in the subject is blooming worldwide. There is the additional burden of research, etc., etc.

I seem to be preparing for a future career move as a "Breaking Bad" Albuquerque tour guide. Not being in Albuquerque at the moment is something of a handicap. I'll have to return soon, perhaps for the Balloon Fiesta!

It's a great time! People all over the world are now becoming familiar with all kinds of mundane, even absurd, Albuquerque landmarks, like the Octopus Car Wash at Eubank and Menaul. There are probably people in Cambodia who go to bed at night wondering whether purchasing the Car Wash is a good idea for the Whites.

And there are amazing discoveries too! Last night, I discovered they filmed the head-on-a-tortoise scene just 4.5 miles SW of San Ysidro, NM. That's practically in my back yard!

"What's the matter, Schrader? You act like you've never seen a severed human head on a tortoise before!" Well, it would certainly be news to the folks in San Ysidro!

An amazing time!

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