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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

OK, Now Mitch McConnell Is a Traitor

No, McConnell's not a traitor, he just sees the handwriting on the wall and wants the best possible deal while he can still get it:
The verdict is in: conservatives and tea partiers are incensed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's plan to end the debt limit dispute.

McConnell now faces the same kind of angry base President Obama did when he suggested putting entitlements on the table to strike his grand bargain.
Every day that there's no deal, the GOP loses just a little bit more. They have to accept victory now, or risk losing everything!

Of course, victory can cut both ways. Josh Marshall suggests Obama should 'declare victory':
Obama needs to quickly move to declare victory in this thirty-year debate on taxes. Do it now, with the biggest, wickedest grin he can muster while Republicans are in disarray fighting amongst themselves.
Marshall's idea is the dumbest idea ever in human history, seeing how Obama hasn't won a thing yet, but the media people in the Beltway are so captivated by atmospherics and staging of this grand drama that it just might work. In fact, I'm sure it will work!

I know every day that I don't have to go stand in line at the DMV is a good day. So, every day I preemptively declare 'Victory Over The DMV Day', and stage a happy little parade. The only days that don't feature a happy little parade (and that's most days!) are the days when I actually have to go stand in line at the DMV.

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