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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Live-Blogging ABQ Storms - 07/26/11

It looks like the big action today is along the NM/AZ border area, and bending over to incorporate Mt. Taylor too.

That was an AWESOME bow shock radiating away from the convection last night in NW Sinaloa! Wow!

(1:35 p.m. PDT) A small gust front radiating westward into the RG Valley from the Highway 47/60 junction east of Belen. Big rainfall boiling off the Ladrones. Big rain on the Malpais south of Grants. Lots of action everywhere!

(2:05 p.m. PDT) That's some big storm out there near Alamo! And the little gust front finally triggered convection just east of the RG Valley at the Socorro/Valencia Co. boundary.

Four Corners is seeing lots of rain too today. Storms north of Mt. Taylor are heading towards Lindrith.

(3:05 P.M. PDT) New gust front heading towards Bernardo from the NE.

Also a gust front heading NE in SW Valencia Co., trying to catch up with the weakening storms that just crossed Highway 6 heading to the NE, towards ABQ.

(4:00 p.m. PDT) Big storm blowing up near Edgewood. And Alamo too. Other large storms crossing Highway 44 out towards Counselor.

(5:00 p.m. PDT) The big action remains out near Blanco, and points SE of Farmington. Also, rain near Acoma and points south. Rains near Vaughn too. Things are getting quiet right around ABQ, despite the approaching (but weakening) storms to the SW.

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