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Friday, July 08, 2011

It's Not Just The Landscaping, You Dimwit!

This Albuquerque story reminds me of the idiot who set the fire behind my house three weekends ago:
ARBY'S, TULANE & CENTRAL SE--A young woman sat calmly smoking her cigarette in the middle of Arby's patch of landscaping last week. Beside her was her wheeled suitcase...behind her, small tongues of orange flames licked the dry ground cover.

...The woman got up, reached over and extended the handle on her luggage, and pulled it over to a nearby fence. She sat down to smoke her cigarette and look over at the blazing brush and tree. Her face seemed to display no emotion, according to the biker.

"The people here care more about their landscaping than they do about ME!" she was heard to say.

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