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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Eat Your Vegetables

Several weeks ago, I got a frantic call from Joe The Plumber. "Quick, come home from work! There's a real pretty girl at the door selling vegetables! I'm trying to stall her and keep her here, but she's trying to leave!"

So, not wanting to miss seeing a pretty girl selling vegetables, I quickly departed work for home.

I arrived too late, and the pretty girl was gone, so we started wandering up and down the sidewalks trying to find her. Eventually we found her down the street, and I ended by signing up for a biweekly box of vegetables delivered to my door by "Farm Fresh To You". The selling point for me was that the vegetables are from the Capay Valley, an area I've always liked. (And the girl's prettiness didn't hurt either.)

The question now is whether I'll eat all the vegetables. I'm not real big on vegetables. I'm bigger on things like Dairy Queen chocolate-dipped soft-serve cones. But it can't hurt having vegetables around. I whomped up some vegetable stir-fry last night, and the vegetables were tasty, particularly the interesting-looking tomatoes (meaning they don't look like store-bought plastic orbs, but instead showed stripes and other signs of variety and individual distinctiveness).

E. looks askance at these vegetables, because they haven't passed through the extensive vetting process provided by Belair Supermarkets. Which is exactly the point of having organic farm-grown vegetables, in my view.

S. says these vegetables are likely to be too expensive, at least when compared to other sources. She may be right, for all I know, but a slackard like me probably wouldn't seek out those other sources anyway. Having vegetables mysteriously appear every two weeks on my doorstep is an important signal that it is time to eat more vegetables. Especially if I think they were delivered by a pretty girl!

Bailey the Bunny also approves of the carrots....

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