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Saturday, July 02, 2011

Cute, Frilly Cowboy Boots Befuddle The Homeless

When I arrived home this evening about 7 p.m., I noticed a cute little suitcase sitting in the driveway outside the back gate. I was wondering, 'is there a bomb in there?'

So, I took the suitcase upstairs and opened it. It was filled with little shoes, including cute, frilly little cowboy boots. This must be E.'s suitcase! Earlier today, she was heading out to Minden Lake for the 4th of July weekend. Whether it was a senior moment, or crossed signals, the suitcase failed to make the journey.

Around midnight, she contacted me. She had left about noon. The suitcase must have sat in the driveway, where the homeless troll 24/7, for seven hours without being opened, or bothered in the least.

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