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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Annoyed By The Success Of J Street Nightlife

Over the last decade, Midtown Sacramento nightlife has really improved. With that success comes problems.

On sporadic weekends, people pee around the back door of my employer. This started a couple of years ago. There is a modicum of privacy, I suppose (although it's well-lit - I don't understand), and it's just a short distance from Streets of London.

Weird stuff happens at that back door. One night, I opened the back door at 2 a.m., and there was a guy standing there with his weenie in his hands staring straight at the door and just about to let loose. "Please don't do that," I asked. "OK," he said, and he left.

Another night, I was just about to open the door, and I heard someone just outside the door screaming at the top of their lungs, "I'm going to kill you!" Sounded serious too. That made me hesitate opening the door, but when I gingerly opened it five minutes later, no one was there. Just a passing thought in the mind of a typical Sacramento barfly, I suppose. Not much determination behind the thought - no follow through.

Tonight, when I drove up to work, there were two women at the back door: one peeing and one standing watch. They hurried away as I parked. I followed them out on the sidewalk and shouted: "You two! Yeah, you two! Don't do that anymore!" It didn't help that two men walking down the sidewalk had slipped in between them and I, and they were looking back at me and no doubt thinking "WTF?", so I had to be very specific: "Yeah, you two women! Don't do that anymore!"

Just give me a break, please.

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