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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Where Is That Baby Chicken?

I haven't seen Baby Chicken in two days.

Two days ago, I interrupted an attack by the neighbor's cat on the Baby Chicken. I gave my best acting interpretation of a howling, hairy ape (something like in "2001: A Space Odyssey") and chased the cat out of the yard. Panicked, Baby Chicken ran over to be next to Big Chicken, from whom Baby Chicken has been learning the artful ways of the Chicken.

Big Chicken is distracted of late, though, and has been showing nest-making inclinations, particularly in the leaf litter behind the tree next to the alley. Maybe she is going to start laying eggs? The two chickens like each other's company, true enough, but defense against cats requires muscle and sacrifice, and who knows how invested Big Chicken really is in Baby Chicken's health? Who knows how useful Big Chicken will be in warding off cat attacks on Baby Chicken?

I worry that Baby Chicken might have run afoul again of the cat. Nevertheless, Joe The Plumber says he saw Baby Chicken just yesterday, so maybe not all is lost.

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