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Friday, June 03, 2011

Unsignaled Lane Change

E.: MMMMAAAAAARRRRRCCCC! The cop, he stopped me! He made me exit at El Camino! He said I didn't use my turn signal. He said I crossed that triangle where that road comes into the Capitol City Freeway over by that place by Madison where the road goes like this.

M.: ??????

E.: You know, where El Camino goes north-south.

M.: ???????

E.: You know, like this!

M.: ??

E.: That cop, he is so e-stupid. I've seen cops do exactly the same thing!

M.: ????????

E.: I got lost after he let me go. I had to drive and drive and drive until I recognized anything.

M.: You are the Green Destiny!

E.: I AM the Green Destiny! Bow down for your mercy!

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