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Monday, June 06, 2011

Still Shakin' In Christchurch

They had yet more aftershocks from the September and February quakes in the vicinity of Christchurch, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand:
Cantabrians have been shaken by two earthquakes this morning, forcing some stores near the epicentre to close.

The first earthquake struck near Rolleston at 9.09am at a depth of 15 kilometres and measured magnitude 5.5.

...The Canterbury Quake Live website reported the shake was the sixth largest since September 4's magnitude-7.1 quake.

It was followed by a magnitude 3.8 tremor at 11.41am. This 10km-deep shake was centred in Weedons, about 4 km away from Rolleston.

GNS Science duty seismologist Brian Ferris said the 5.5 tremor was "within the forecast we expected".

...Fay Burson, manager of bottle store Henry's in Rolleston, said she probably lost more stock during today's shake than in February's magnitude-6.3.

...Burson said September's earthquake was much worse.

"We had minor damage, nothing compared to our first one of course."

...Spectators and players at a rugby tournament for four to 16 year-olds in Rolleston saw the ground "roll" during this morning's aftershock.

The tournament, involving 42 teams, kicked off just before the tremor struck, but it did not stop the players for long, Rolleston Rugby Club president David Egan said.

"Everyone stopped and looked, then carried on. Everyone's come to expect them now."

Some people reported seeing the jolt hit the ground, he said.

"They could see it rolling, heading towards the clubhouse. It hit the car park first and lifted some vehicles off the ground, then hit the clubhouse."

...People reported feeling the quake in Hawarden, Akaroa and as far away as Dunedin and Nelson.

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