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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shrimp Maniac

M.: So, how was your vacation at Lake Tahoe?

E.: It was good. I won $90.00 playing 'Shrimp Mania' at 2:30 in the morning. Then C. tried to win on Shrimp Mania, but he started losing, so we went across the street, and he won $200.00 over there.

M.: So, you two won!

E.: No, we lost it all. Oh yes, there is also a lot of snow up there.

M.: Did you meet the bunny?

E.: No, what's his name?

M.: Bailey.

E.: Billy-boy (Tagalog slang for 'gay').

M.: Well, I don't know....

E.: Can I call him "Annie-Annie"? (short for 'bunny-bunny').

M.: You can call him whatever you want!

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