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Friday, June 10, 2011

One Is The Loneliest Number

So, Newt Gingrich's entire campaign staff quit. Something about his lack of discipline. I know disappointed Republicans (like K.) consider him to be a liberal these days: the worst species of Beltway resident imaginable to conservatives. But still, Newt remains in the running.

It's hard to run a campaign all by yourself, but by clearing out the arena of all distractions first, Newt can grapple with the hydra-headed Washington beast, alone, Teddy-Roosevelt-like, and earn whatever accolades he can that way, gladiator-style. Just ask Mel Gibson, who has struggled in much the same way down in Hollywood.

Then again, Mel Gibson talks to himself these days through the medium of a Beaver-like puppet, so maybe he's not the best role model either.

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