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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oh, Boo-The-Freakin'-Hoo!

Last year's disastrous Gulf Oil spill convinced me of one thing: I HAD to stop patronizing ARCO/AM-PM with my business!

I managed to spend some money at AM-PM every single day! It was my favorite business! Given the criminal mismanagement of ARCO with respect to the oil spill, I had to bring all that to a dead stop!

I pretty-much succeeded. In the last year, I've patronized AM-PM maybe three times.

It looks others did the same thing too. The boycott is killing the company, at least in California, and they are beginning to wind things down here. Good riddance, that's what I say!

Monday's Sacramento Bee featured a weepy article talking about how sad all of this is. You won't find me crying!:
When workers dismantled the ARCO corporate logo at the former Arco Arena earlier this year, it served as a fitting symbol of the company's California retrenchment.

Known for selling cheap gasoline and for its 24-hour ampm convenience stores, ARCO has been a dominant player in the state's petroleum industry for decades. It is California's largest gasoline distributor, with more than 20 percent of the market.

But since last year's deadly Gulf of Mexico oil spill, parent BP PLC has either sold off or put up for sale most of its California assets.

..."There's been so much economic pain for them from the gulf disaster that they have been shedding assets and are looking to shed even more assets," said Gordon Schremp, senior fuels specialist with the California Energy Commission.

The divestitures are notable because ARCO used to be one of California's largest companies, and its history is ingrained in the economic history of the state.

..."It hurts my pride to see a company I so adored disappear," said George Babikian, who served as president of ARCO's refining and marketing operations before retiring in 1993. "It was a great company."

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