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Monday, June 13, 2011

The Great Escape

Sunday morning at 2:30 a.m. was the last time I had seen Bailey. It was nearly midday Sunday, and Bailey had disappeared.

At first I figured Bailey was in one of the many niches available for a secret bunny to hide, but I slowly realized Bailey wasn't in any of them. So, where was the bunny?

Meanwhile, Joe the Plumber came over, mostly to hang out and talk about himself as I painted the back porch. I wasn't in the best of attentive moods - how am I going to explain this fiasco to Giorgio and Karina? - and so when Joe offered to get some hamburgers, I eagerly bade him well.

I thought I heard a surreptitious noise on the other side of the back yard fence, in the neighbor's yard, but there were plenty of scrub jays and squirrels making surreptitious noises over there. I went into the neighbor's yard and poked around, but found nothing.

When Joe returned, we prepared signs and he papered the neighborhood. We went on two strolls around the block, asking people if they had seen anything. Eventually, we were back in the neighbor's yard, trying to locate that surreptitious noise.

Then we discovered Bailey's Secret Niche. Behind the Savage, Pointy Agave, behind the Thorny Rose, behind the Obscuring Palm, behind the Ivy, there was the narrowest hole in the fence: almost impossible for people to see, but detectable from a rabbit perspective. Bailey slipped through the fence, and ran into the wire mesh placed against the fence on the opposite side for the contigency of preventing dogs from breaking into my yard. So, Bailey had left the yard, but technically was not at liberty. Still, with Ivy draped on both sides of the fence, Bailey was invisible.

Rabbits seem to live in a perpetual dread of being exposed to predators. Not in this niche! Bailey had found relief, and peace.

At least, until Crazy, Pursuing Man located Bailey and blocked that niche from use.

Left: Feeling glum after having his secret spot discovered and blocked off, Bailey goes back into Invisible Secret Bunny mode.

Bailey discovers the hidden wonder world of the garage.

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