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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Folks At The Medical Center Like Gender Confusion Jokes

I was back at the med center a few minutes ago, and made an appearance at the phlebotomist's place.

"Dr. N. wanted me to get my blood retested," I told the lady. "Well, we want to do whatever she wants," she replied. Whatever "he wants," I corrected. "Oh, so she's a he," she said. I said: "Imagine my surprise!" She laughed and said, "you're messing with someone who is about to get off work!"

When I got in the elevator, I pressed the "Down" button, but the elevator journeyed upwards instead, visiting all the floors on its lugubrious journey back to the lobby. I complained to the last woman to enter the elevator that "the elevator is doing whatever it wants, going wherever it pleases, and not paying attention the slightest to my wishes." She replied: "If I didn't know better, I'd say the elevator was a man!"

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