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Friday, June 17, 2011

Fine Distinctions

At 2:00 a.m. on Thursday morning, I rolled into my driveway, to find a man quickly striding away from the general area of my driveway, and the driveway next door. Not wanting to interfere with the departure of strangers at 2:00 a.m., I waited for him to leave before getting out of my car, but instead, he stopped and stood behind my car, and started shouting, "hey, you, in the car!" So, I got out of my car and engaged him in conversation.

"Sorry about that, but I peed on the fence," he said.

I replied: "Please don't do that! People live over here!"

"It's better than over there," he replied, gesturing to the fence by the cemetery.

"But no one lives over there," I countered.

He replied: "Sorry - won't happen again."

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