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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Anthony Weiner Resigns

Shows you where bad judgment will take you!

What is mystifying to me is the standard used to justify throwing Weiner to the wolves. Congress-critters of both parties have done far, far worse, yet remained members in good standing. Three things come to mind:
  • His family couldn't endure the turmoil;
  • There may be worse news out there that has yet to be revealed (like this Ginger Lee lie-request thing?), or;
  • Weiner got caught in a power struggle (with Debbie Wasserman Schultz?) and didn't have the resources to tough it out.
I lean towards the third explanation. It looks like his colleagues couldn't run away from him fast enough. Last month, he was the party's supernova. Today, he is a cinder.

Sometimes you need the help of friends to get you through the day, and Weiner may not have even had a dog to rely on. He still has a future in politics, if he wants it, but he needs to engage in some bridge-building first.

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