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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trump Implodes, At Least For The Moment

Recover, Donald, please!:
One month ago, a handful of surveys showed Trump trouncing the GOP field, leading all comers by as much as a nine-point margin. But now, after a month of bruising press coverage, the latest PPP poll shows that Trump's support has quickly dried up, as he's dropped back to a tie for fifth place.

In the poll, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney paced the GOP field at 19% and 18%, respectively. Newt Gingrich took third at 13%, followed by Palin (12%), Trump (8%), and Ron Paul (8%.)
My sense, of course, is that the front-loading of the primary calendar with the nationwide Super-Tuesday primaries makes it essential that the Republican candidates have a national presence by January (no matter how ramshackle that national presence may be) in order to have any chance of surviving Super Tuesday. Mike Huckabee's stint on FOX News may have given him sufficient stature by now - he's certainly in better shape than he was in 2008 - but Palin's there too. And Trump has his own national presence, and he can survive a long time, no matter what else happens. Are these national presences enough? (They are certainly ramshackle enough....)

My New Mexico patriotism gets the better of me: Go, Gary Johnson!

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