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Friday, May 27, 2011

The Ticks Want Me To Play Host Too

I will resist!

What happened was, last night, I tried to dislodge and evict a big tick from the Chihuahua's face. Unsuccessful after applying isopropyl alcohol with a Q-tip and gingerly trying to tweeze it off, I curled up with the dog for a night's sleep.

During this morning's staff meeting at work, I had the distinct sensation that something was crawling on my leg. After the meeting, I determined it was a big tick! Smash that sucker! But how could such a big tick come from that small dog? Where had it have been? Had I overlooked it, somehow?

At lunchtime, I visited with the dog, and his face tick was gone. So, apparently I was ultimately successful in evicting the dog's big face tick after all, but only after we both fell asleep. The disturbed tick moved over to the next available receptive mammal (me) to continue his vampire-like, blood-sucking ways (but of course, only if I permitted it). And given my usual forgiving, Pollyanna nature, such a presumption on the tick's part was understandable.

But not this time, thank you! There are enough vampires in my life already!

The natural world is a wondrous place!

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