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Friday, May 13, 2011

It Figures It Would Be The Cheeseballs At FSU Who Would Do This!

Completely for sale! I mean, at least prostitutes have standards! Apparently not FSU!:
In response to news that the billionaire Koch brothers now have a hand in hiring certain FSU professors, the liberal-leaning activist group Progress Florida has unveiled a campaign aimed at stopping what they say is “an unprecedented assault on academic freedom.”

In an e-mail sent out today, Progress Florida called on supporters to sign a petition to FSU President Eric Barron, urging him to “cancel this outrageous deal with the Kochs and protect academic freedom.”

A foundation bankrolled by Charles Koch, one half of the notoriously anti-regulation Koch brothers, has pledged $1.5 million for a program that promotes free enterprise. The foundation has a hand in screening new hires for the program, to which it gave a $1.5 million donation.

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