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Monday, May 30, 2011

Disease Progression Chronicle

Last night, same as the night before, the vomiting accelerated (with a bit of diarrhea). I had thought there had been progress during the day, but apparently not. Kindly, Joe brought over some Pedialyte to help out.

About 3:30 am, it was bathroom break, so we went outside. About 6 am, I thought the dog needed to go again, but uncharacteristically, the dog wouldn't stand up (probaby the encephalitis kicking in). About 8:03 am, the dog let out two agonized muffled screams, then lay still. Now, I'm uncertain whether the dog is alive.

This distemper is a bitch of a disease.

(Update 8:43 am: Rigor Mortis kicking in)

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