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Monday, April 04, 2011

Wreckage Of The Spookiest Air Crash Ever Finally Located

AF447 will prove to be the most-important air crash ever. All the pitot tubes iced up, depriving the crew of air speed information, and effectively-rendering the aircraft unsuitable for flight. It's a huge design problem that they have to have a workaround for, because it could easily happen again. No, it WILL happen again! And again! If they can't safeguard flights against this, they need to ground the entire Airbus fleet, before thunderstorms ground the entire fleet, with passengers, for them:
PARIS (Reuters) - Parts of the wreckage of an Air France plane found in the Atlantic at the weekend contain the bodies of some of the passengers who died when the aircraft crashed off Brazil in 2009, the French government said on Monday. Air France flight 447, an Airbus 330-203 plane, plunged into the ocean en route from Rio to Paris, killing all 228 passengers and crew on board and a long search has so far failed to find flight recorders that could give clues to the cause of the accident. ...France's BEA accident investigation authority said on Sunday it had found a large part of the plane's wreckage including the engine and parts of the fuselage, and Environment Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet said on Monday there were human remains inside. "We have more than just traces, we have bodies... Identification is possible," she told France Inter radio. ...The discovery of the chunks of the Air France wreckage in a vast search radius of some 10,000 square kilometers, has raised hopes that the aircraft's flight recorders, or black boxes, might now be found. The aircraft vanished after hitting stormy weather over the Atlantic a few hours into the flight. Speculation about what caused the accident has focused on the possible icing up of the aircraft's speed sensors, which seemed to give inconsistent readings before communication was lost.

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