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Friday, April 15, 2011

The Trap Is Sprung On The GOP

Hilarious! The Dems played a trick!:
Normally something like that would fail by a large bipartisan margin in either the House or the Senate. Conservative Republicans would vote for it, but it would be defeated by a coalition of Democrats and more moderate Republicans. But today that formula didn't hold. In an attempt to highlight deep divides in the Republican caucus. Dems switched their votes -- from "no" to "present."

Panic ensued. In the House, legislation passes by a simple majority of members voting. The Dems took themselves out of the equation, leaving Republicans to decide whether the House should adopt the more-conservative RSC budget instead of the one authored by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. As Dems flipped to present, Republicans realized that a majority of their members had indeed gone on the record in support of the RSC plan -- and if the vote closed, it would pass. That would be a slap in the face to Ryan, and a politically toxic outcome for the Republican party.

The GOP has been on the offense since the spring of 2009. That dynamic now changes completely. From now until the 2012 elections, the GOP will have to defend this vote to increasingly-outraged seniors. Capitol Hill jiu-jitsu is a marvel to behold!

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