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Monday, April 04, 2011

Shredding Paper Kind Of Weekend

It was a slow weekend, for a change. I spent time filing paper, and shredding paper. Nevertheless, on Cable TV, I did watch three movies in a row: "8 Mile" (featuring Eminem), "Corinna" (an inter-racial romance), and "The Quiet American" (starring Michael Caine). All these movies were good, each in their own way. Kim Basinger has got to be the prettiest trailer-trash mom ever. Eminem doesn't have a lot of range as an actor, but then, he doesn't have to have that. "Corinna" was very charming, and very funny too. Excellent! "The Quiet American" was profoundly disturbing, because it showed quite plainly how Americans get way too involved in foreign politics, of which they know little, and cause untold hardships around the world. Excellent movie!

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