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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

People Love Reading Bad Reviews

Well, not all people. Bad reviews are quite hard on everyone associated with the project (h/t Kathleen):
What’s been spent here, in talent and treasure? How many excellent performers were tied up in this strange, sloppy enterprise? How much life force, in total, has this show subtracted from the world? It brought to mind the Mock Turtle’s four branches of math: Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.

Wonderland is the worst kind of nonsense, the sort that attempts little and achieves less. Turgid with its own emptiness, this unctuously charmless show is proof that nothing from nothing somehow equals less than nothing. Its clone-songs, pop-cultured in the shallowest of Top 40 petri dishes, are all one-touch samples of erstwhile hits, most of them (weirdly) from the nineties.

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