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Monday, April 11, 2011

Las Vegas Sun's Excellent Coverage Of Righthaven Suits

The Las Vegas Sun has been publishing a series of stories covering the travails of the copyright ghouls known as Righthaven. Righthaven seems to fancy itself as the protector of newspapers, but it's really the scourge of bloggers. It's like the newspaper version of leprosy. The Court can't possibly spank Righthaven hard enough for my taste. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Righthaven sues me, as well as every blogger in the world, for bogus copyright infringement allegations.

Example from the series:

Elsewhere in the Righthaven litigation campaign, the company continues to run into trouble with its lawsuits because of its policy of suing first and asking questions later. At least four of its lawsuits in U.S. District Court for Colorado over a Denver Post TSA pat-down photo are giving Righthaven trouble:

• A suit involving North Carolina blogger Brian D. Hill is a case that Righthaven would like to see go away. Only after suing Hill did Righthaven learn Hill has diabetes, hyperactive attention disorder and mild autism -- facts Hill has been communicating to the world on his websites and in an online petition urging U.S. District Judge John L. Kane in Denver to dismiss the suit against him. His attorney, in the meantime, is friendly with the EFF and is drafting a lengthy response to Righthaven's lawsuit that Righthaven will have to deal with if the case isn't settled.

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