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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Everyone's A Critic

OK, this is different than when Steve Wynn destroyed the Picasso because of blindness-induced clumsiness. (Which didn't matter so much because he owned the Picasso, but which, for some crazy reason, induced him to sue the insurance company who insured it. The rich lead strange, opaque lives.) This lady sounds a bit like Achmed the Dead Terrorist.... Listen lady, believe it, or not, women in Tahiti used to go around topless all the time, because the climate is so pleasant, and there was no particular reason to put a top on. Betcha didn't hear that on your radio!:

Suspect Susan Burns, who turned 53 Friday, also said that the Gauguin painting “Two Tahitian Women,” which is ... valued at $80 million, is “very homosexual. I was trying to remove it. I think it should be burned,” according to a criminal complaint filed in D.C. Superior Court. “I am from the American CIA and I have a radio in my head. I am going to kill you,” added Burns, who lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

On Friday afternoon, Burns allegedly walked over to the Gauguin painting in Gallery 214-C and “grabbed the frame holding said painting on its left side and attempted to pull it off the wall.” Burns, the misdemeanor complaint charges, then “struck the middle of the painting with her right fist.” However, since the painting was “protected by a transparent acrylic shield on the front,” no damage was observed.

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