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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

William Kristol And His Orwellian Expressions

Jonathan Chait notes William Kristol's repugnant abuse of English.

Kristol writes:
Rubbish. Our “invasions” have in fact been liberations. We have shed blood and expended treasure in Kuwait in 1991, in the Balkans later in the 1990s, and in Afghanistan and Iraq—in our own national interest, of course, but also to protect Muslim peoples and help them free themselves. Libya will be America’s fifth war of Muslim liberation.
Chait notes:
The point, of course, is that invasion is a neutral, descriptive term, one that can describe military action for either positive or negative ends. Kristol demands that we banish neutral terminology in favor of propagandistic terminology.
By now, William Kristol is so addicted to warmaking that he is a menace to civilization. Kristol is certainly a menace to the United States of America. Who needs tyrants and dictators when people like Kristol are always ready to abuse the language on their behalf?

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