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Friday, March 25, 2011

The Story Of Soyuz 1 Resurfacing

John sends this:
This information apparently has just been released. I have not been able to find any references to this cosmonaut.

I cannot help but think that there is a certain similarity between this event and the loss of the Challenger. Though it was solidly denied at the time, there were pressures from within and outside of NASA which pushed --against the better judgment of NASA engineers--for launch of the "teacher in space" prior to the State of the Union address. Another example of science and politics not mixing...
I remember Komarov and I remember the flight. In 1967, I was avidly following every single bit of space news, and it did make the evening news on TV. What I also remember, though, was that there was very, very little hard information released to the public – not surprising, considering the Cold War, and everything.

If this story is true, it’s sobering….

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