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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

No Escape From Marty Ralph

I was driving home Monday morning, about 1:00 a.m., and I was listening to the radio. I channel-surfed to some random station (92.1 FM?), to a science-related radio show already in-progress, called 'Viewpoints On-line' (or something like that).

The soothing baritone was - familiar. It dawned on me: it's Marty Ralph, talking about Atmospheric Rivers again!

In the early 80's, I taught a meteorology lab class: part of the undergraduate Meteorology curriculum at the University of Arizona. Marty was one of the students in the class. I lost track of him over the years, but apparently he went to UCLA for graduate school. Nowadays, he has a position of considerable heft over there at NOAA. And he is all over the media too. And now, he's speaking to me from my car radio.

From Marty Ralph, there is no escape. He is the Lady Gaga of Meteorology.

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