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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Just Heard Beth Gaines' Radio Ad

Somehow I was hoping for more in the race for Assembly District 4.

Basically, Gaines seemed to pit redevelopment agencies (bad) against teachers (good?) in the race for scarce state funding, and talked about the need for having 'our people' in the State Capitol. But 'our people' have always been in the State Capitol, and it's unclear to me just how committed to the teachers a homeschooler like Gaines might be. And she is running against several carbon-copy representatives of 'our people', so I don't know how the distinction helps. Perhaps she's just trying to emphasize the long-standing urban/suburban divide - the swarthy urban Morlochs vs. the fair suburban Eloi - in state politics. But is this the kind of fresh thinking we need in a time of budgetary crisis?

Cheryl Bly-Chester is also one of 'our people', but she has more relevant experience to the task, and understands the need of getting everyone to work together.

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