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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Cheryl Bly-Chester Concedes In State Assembly District Four Race

Here are election results.

Cheryl released this statement:
Although the race is too close to call at this point, it looks clear that either Beth Gaines or John Allard will move forward to face Dennis Campanale in the runoff.

Like many things I have undertaken in life, I am very proud of the effort and I intend to persevere to see that the people of this district are well-served by their next representative. Our campaign started literally from scratch and reached ten percent despite being outspent near 20 to 1. We refused to go negative in order to score political points, and I believe that accounts for our strong third place showing among the much better-funded Republican candidates. By keeping our focus on jobs and the economy, I know we ran a campaign worthy of the people of the 4th district.

As for my own political future, I will be keeping my options open. I have earned many supporters and I value their opinions greatly. I will have a discussion with them to see how they would like to continue the campaign we started.

Whatever my own future holds, tonight is a time to remember that this campaign wasn't about advancing myself - it was about helping my 4th district neighbors by calling attention to their issues. I intend to continue that effort by staying active and supporting our next Assembly member in any way I can, including offering ideas, counsel and support whenever asked.

I also intend to go back to working hard in my business, helping businesses get through the regulatory process to keep their businesses going and even thriving. I am looking forward to more time with my children as I will be an empty-nester soon enough. Thank you for all who supported me and voted for me. You can look for me in the future to continue to advocate for a better business environment in California.

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