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Wednesday, February 02, 2011

'White Stripes' Folds Their Tent

Gabe also pointed me to this:
"The White Stripes would like to announce that today, February 2nd, 2011, their band has officially ended and will make no further new recordings or perform live," they said in a statement on their website.

"The reason is not due to artistic differences or lack of wanting to continue, nor any health issues as both Meg and Jack are feeling fine and in good health."

Rather, they said: "It is for a myriad of reasons, but mostly to preserve What is beautiful and special about the band and have it stay that way."
Gabe asked one question: "Who are the White Stripes?" and repeated another he saw somewhere on the Internet: "Does this mean the End of Rock?"

I responded to the first question with a brief capsule of information which proved to be incorrect (I thought they were a brother/sister duo, but apparently they are exes), mostly because I don't know that much about them. I like them a lot, from what little I know of them, but I'm just not that invested.

Now, regarding the question whether Rock and Roll can possibly survive the demise of a two-person band, that reminds me of a friend of mine who woke up one day and realized it wasn't 1980 anymore. The first question on his lips that day was "Is Rock Dead?" He started chasing down every young person he encountered to see what they thought.

Nothing must be scarier, if you are a normal 20-year-old walking down the street and minding your own business, than having a scary 50-year-old suddenly approach and demand an answer to the question "Is Rock Dead?" Some said yes, some said they preferred Rap, a few said no, but most apparently said they didn't know, and tried to squirm away.

So, to answer that momentous question, all I have to say is:

"We'll see."

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