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Monday, February 14, 2011

Shirley Sherrod Sues The Ted Bundy Of Politics

Andrew Breitbart's behavior was, and continues to remain, inexcusable. Breitbart remains in total denial he did anything wrong, even though he had malice aforethought at every single step in the process, and still does. Conservatives used to know that, just like with mass-murderers like Charles Manson or Ted Bundy, you jail people like this, you don't make them media heroes. Ag Secretary Vilsack should have resigned over this. I hope Breitbart is finally called to account for his actions, that he is finally muzzled by respectable media outfits, and that Sherrod wins millions:
Sherrod was the Georgia director for rural development for the U.S. Department of Agriculture until last June, when Breitbart posted online a heavily edited video excerpt of her speaking to a Georgia civil-rights group in which Sherrod, an African American woman, suggested that she once discriminated against a white farmer seeking help.

..."Although the defamatory blog post authored by Defendant Breitbart purported to show video proof that Mrs. Sherrod exhibited racism in performance of her USDA job," states the complaint, posted Monday by the website Talking Points Memo, the video Breitbart used was an excerpt "from a much longer speech by Mrs. Sherrod that demonstrated exactly the opposite."

...The lawsuit does not request a specific award and seeks punitive damages. It also requests that Brietbart and his company remove all "defamatory language and video" from his blog at BigGovernment.com -- as well as from YouTube.

..."Mr. Breitbart categorically rejects the transparent effort to chill his constitutionally protected free speech and, to reiterate, looks forward to exercising his full and broad discovery rights. Mr. Breitbart is absolutely confident of being fully vindicated."

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