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Friday, February 04, 2011

The Murder Of Trotsky Was Planned From A Santa Fe Drugstore?

Really? Trotsky's assassination? Amazing!

Well, this burnishes New Mexico's already stellar reputation for Cold War skulduggery, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, David Greenglass, Trinity Site, and Los Alamos, by extending it into the past, and into the most-poisonous internecine Communist rivalry of the 20th-Century!

But a drugstore? Not your ordinary drugstore! A Santa Fe drugstore! Where they mix ricin in with the chocolate malts! Or, like they say in "Breaking Bad", 'ricin beans':
The KGB agent who planned the Bolshevik revolutionary's 1940 assassination first established a safe house in Santa Fe, 1,200 miles away in New Mexico, says a new book by intelligence expert E.B. Held.

...But its most provocative chapter concerns KGB hit man Josef Grigulevich's hideaway from 1940-41.

...When he arrived in Santa Fe, he was 27, "cosmopolitan, and a ladies' man akin to James Bond," Held wrote.

Katie Zook, 33 and single, was running Zook's Pharmacy, established by her father, son of Lithuanian immigrants. She had long braids, loved fancy hats and traveled widely.

..."Grigulevich laid low in Santa Fe until 1941, then parted company with Katie Zook," Held wrote.

Held said there is no indication that Katie Zook ever knew what Grigulevich was doing, or even knew his real name. He died in 1988, and she died a decade later.

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