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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Massive U.S. Winter Storm

Bruce just called from Albuquerque, saying the high tomorrow is supposed to be 14 F, it's windy, and trucks are dropping cinders for traction on Lead Avenue.

This morning, John, in comments, talked about Oklahoma City:
It arrived last night in Oklahoma City. Currently there is around 6" of snow with a temperature of 7 F and 30-40 mph north winds. For perspective, we will be colder today through Thursday than Fairbanks, Moscow and McMurdo Base! My walk to work this morning (pointless since every business in the city except mine is closed) was one of the most extreme winter experiences I've had in 40 years.
Last night, using my newfound access to Cable TV, I watched the snowflakes in Oklahoma City, and watched the excitement building on the Weather Channel.

Jerry in northern Indiana echoes that excitement:
It has begun -- first flakes observed at 2:58 P. M. EST.

Have you seen the warning map at the weather service page? We are under a blizzard warning!

Winter storm warnings are out from New Mexico to Maine. This could be one for the record books!

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