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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christchurch Calamity

Just before tonight's "Guys and Dolls" rehearsal, I noticed I had received a call from Sally. I placed a quick call and learned of today's powerful quake. I wasn't able to look into it further until much later.

This quake, while less powerful than the Sept. 4th quake, may well have been shallower, with it's epicenter in populated areas, and thus more destructive. Plus, this quake occurred in the middle of the day, with people everywhere on the streets.

I heard a brief radio report describing the town of Lyttelton as looking as if it had been bombed. For me, this is terrifying news, since Andrew lives only about three miles away, across the water, in Diamond Harbour. The streets in Lyttelton are quite steep in places. Was there a landslide? Liquefaction? They say Lyttelton Tunnel is closed. How badly damaged is it?

More questions than answers now...

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