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Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's New In Academia?

Taking it to the next level:
A Cal State Northridge math professor has been charged with urinating on a colleague's office door during a dispute between the two men.

...Petrov is expected to be arraigned Thursday in San Fernando, authorities said. The case stems from a dispute that Petrov allegedly had with another professor in the school's math department, authorities said.
Meanwhile, the President of USC suggests no raves for the students:
“I wish to warn you about a specific danger that has become increasingly prevalent in the city of Los Angeles: raves. Occasionally, these are held close to our campuses, often at the Coliseum or the Shrine, and they present serious risks to all who attend,” USC President C.L. Max Nikias wrote in the letter, first reported by the Neon Tommy website.

"Ecstasy, which is common at raves, produces a number of adverse reactions that may include disorientation, anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks and hallucinations. These reactions, even in mild forms, can create a ripple effect of dangers that lead to catastrophic consequences,” Nikias wrote. “Therefore, with the collective support of the university’s senior administration -- and as the father of two USC students -- I strongly discourage your participation at rave events.”
Predictably, a sampling of the comments show many are not happy with this advice:
Another sad day in electronic music history. The older generations are more than just hypocrites, they are ignorant. Ignorant of the fact that "raves" are concerts. Ignorant of the fact that as adults we have a right to our enjoyment any way we see fit. Ignorant of the fact that we have a right to our music and if people wish to consume substances, anything from alcohol to cocaine, it is their GOD GIVEN right to abuse of their body. Ignorant of the fact that thousands who attend raves do not do ecstasy!!!!

...Telling kids to stay away from raves because of all the drug use will do nothing but garentee a sellout crowd. This is the problem with academics. They might be intelligent but they lack wisdom.

...Raves are not really to blame for the prevalence of ecstasy in Los Angeles. Raves are merely a way for fans of electronic music to come together and dance. It is unfortunate that many fans of Electric Dance Music (EDM) also do drugs. To be honest though, there are no more drugs at a rave than at a rock show or a rap concert. Lovers of music will always have, in their ranks, those who enjoy drugs.

If you want to avoid drug related deaths at music events, work on removing the drugs, not the event. Plenty of music fans don't do drugs. To deprive us of our ability to dance in a group setting truly goes against the freedom we work so hard to protect in this country.

...But in all seriousness this is another example of the electronic scene being called out for no apparent reason. EDC is hardly a "rave" no more than coachella is and you will find just as much X, acid, etc. etc. at any music event that brings in 100,000+ people. Like it or not, the electronic scene is here to stay because people love it and it makes money. Outlawing events like EDC will just push the scene to the underground which will have no rules, no security, and generate no money for the state. Instead, provide more health stations, make water more reasonably priced, and keep the age limit at 18.

And one last thing - Drunk people fall out off dorms / balconies /whatever all the time. Are we going to outlaw bars? of course not. IMO it seems rather unfair to blame ecstasy / "the rave" for this kid falling out of his dorm. Blame his friends for not keeping an eye on him when he was intoxicated.
Myself, I think there is no easy solution here. Or more specifically, we need drug-free raves, but emergency services need to be prepared for them nonetheless.

The problem people have previously-identified in Los Angeles is that the vendors at these massive events (T-Shirts, drinks, etc.) are one of the primary conduits for drug sales there. Keep the vendors clean, and keep the venue secure, and you are halfway there! You can have a rave and minimize the health problems at the same time.

But if all else fails, we can always follow the example of the professor and just start peeing on our opponents, if only for the psychic satisfaction that brings....

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