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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Unsafe Computer Sex Proves My Undoing

Today, I was out trolling the precincts of the Far Right; specifically watching Glenn Beck videos from the second week of June, 2010. These days, Glenn Beck is in a very pacifist mood, but he was in a much different mood in June, 2010.

Slowly, at first, my computer began producing odd and peculiar error messages. Programs that I wasn't aware were operating began crashing due to obscure errors. Finally, I accessed one Web Site to look at a video, and my computer simply crashed.

Diagnosis: some kind of Trojan Horse, or malware, or a worm, or a bug, or a virus, or some random strand of RNA that got left behind. First time this has ever happened to me!

Cure: maybe on Tuesday, when the C. returns.

So, I'm in a weird space now, where I've lost a bit of computer functionality (particularly regarding DMTC files).

Nevertheless, there is something quite special about that second week of June, 2010. That is where the key will be found....

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