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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Strapping The Tea Party Onto Our Bumpers Like Aztec Sacrifices

For years now, the Right has been getting crazier and crazier with their rhetoric, sometimes carrying implicit threats of violence. The Left has largely shrugged off these threats and suffered through the occasional Oklahoma City bombing and abortion clinic murder, but as long as just one side was carrying out the majority of these threats, it was a dangerous, unbalanced situation.

The best auto repair guide I ever had, "The Compleat Idiot's Guide to Volkswagen Repair", had much useful advice, but the advice I remember most was this (paraphrase):
"We would all drive more safely if we were strapped like Aztec sacrifices onto
our front bumpers."
Truer words were never spoken! Of late, the Right has been skidding around corners in sports cars while the Left drives their Volvos like turtles. Neither approach is safe when both share the same road space.

Here is some welcome news from Tucson:
TUCSON - Arizona shooting victim James Eric Fuller was arrested Saturday and taken for a psychiatric evaluation after allegedly photographing a local tea party leader at a forum organized by ABC and yelling: "You're dead."

According to news reports, Fuller became upset when Trent Humphries, an audience member at an event, suggested that conversations about gun control be delayed until those killed in the shooting are buried.

An officer tried to escort Fuller out, and deputies decided he needed to be examined by a psychiatrist. Fuller was involuntarily committed for a minimum of 72 hours. He is expected to be charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and threatening.
On the TV News, Fuller didn't look like much: pretty bedraggled, scarred up and kind of rangy (getting shot doesn't help one's appearance). Nevertheless, Fuller has done the nation an inestimable service by firmly strapping the Tucson Tea Party leaders onto the front bumper of American politics. Feeling an iota of fear for perhaps the first time in their lives, local Tea Party leaders may learn a little and perhaps become more circumspect in the future with their rhetoric.

America needs more True Patriots like James Eric Fuller! Hats off to him!

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