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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oscar Nominations Are Out

OK, first things first. 2009's "La Danse" is the best movie ever made about ballet. Even better than "The Red Shoes". "Black Swan" does not come close in caliber: it's more like a high-class "Showgirls". But "La Danse" never got an Oscar; first, because it's a documentary, second, because it's French, and third, because it's really about ballet. Nevertheless, this year, despite its many deficiencies, "Black Swan" got nominated for the Oscar. And troubles aside, it was a fun movie, full of all kinds of strangeness. So, the best to them!

"The King's Speech" was excellent, and both Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush deserve all the attention they will get (although Helena Bonham Carter's character was a bit too reserved for my taste). The best to them as well!

"The Social Network" was also great! The best to them too!

I didn't see the other movies, but the best to them too, whatever they were.

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