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Friday, January 21, 2011

"Liberty-Loving Stance"

So that's what they're calling it these days:
A Boston-area blogger who declared "one down, 534 to go" after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has had his gun license pulled and a "large amount" of weapons removed his home.

Travis Corcoran, a comic book retailer in Arlington, Massachusetts, made the comment in a blog posting on January 8, the day of Giffords' shooting.

...The "534 to go" comment appeared to refer to the other 434 members of the US House, and the 100 US senators.

...In a Twitter exchange with reporter Laura Leslie, he declared, "As per the Declaration of [Independence], when a [government] becomes destructive those ends, it may be abolished ... and the most moral approach is that which spares the maximum number of lives. Thus, assassination is a legitimate tool."

He also argued that his blog is "to some degree, political theater (with a very serious anarchocapitalist theme) and thus long-time readers understand that '1 down, X to go' COMBINED with my strong assertion is ... entirely in keeping with a liberty-loving stance..."

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