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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Insomnia With The Easter Island Folks

Now that I have Cable TV again, I've had excuses to stay up way too late watching whatever showed up at 2:00 a.m.

Last week, they showed 1994's "Rapa Nui":
Tenuously based on the legends of Easter Island, Chile, this story details a civil war between the two tribes on the island: the Long Ears and the Short Ears. A warrior from the ruling class falls in love with a girl from the lower class, and must decide on his position in a time of great civil unrest. The ruling class are demanding larger and larger Moai (stone statues), a task which the lower class and the island ecology are more and more reluctant to provide.
I tuned in late, so what I caught was a desperate, life-threatening race by what looked like a violent bunch of Maoris to startle birds and steal their eggs in a basaltic, tussocky South Pacific landscape, which turned out - surprise! - to be the real Easter Island!

We don't see enough South Pacific dramas on TV. We hardly see Easter Island on TV at all.

For someone like me, at 2:00 a.m., it worked.

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