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Monday, January 24, 2011

Fairbanks Alaska Transforms Overnight Into Tropical Paradise

I got an E-Mail message from Frank in Fairbanks, AK, yesterday morning after he looked at the weather forecast:
Highs Monday 0 to +10? Reallllllly?
It's easy to understand why he would be skeptical. The entire region had been in a cold freeze for about three weeks, and particularly so the last week. Sunday evening, temperatures had bottomed out at about -38 F.

I replied:
Maybe higher: 20 degrees F isn't out of the question. But under the circumstances I can see why you'd be skeptical. My only concern right now is if there is a delay in the warming. I don't think there will be - it should start this evening - but stranger things have happened.
Starting yesterday about 11 a.m. local time, temperatures started climbing. By midnight last night, they had reached -2 F.

Right now, temperatures are bobbing around, mostly above 0 F. A vast improvement over most of the last month!

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