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Monday, January 10, 2011

Empathetic Liberals Make A Plea

And when David Gergen goes on CNN and complains that Democrats are irresponsible and overreacting to events in Arizona and unfairly putting Sarah Palin in a bad light, please do not point out to him that he is just a tool of strident conservative eliminationists, because that might cause him some mild embarrassment in front of his mainstream media friends.

And when Brit Hume goes on FOX News and decries efforts to rein in wild rhetoric, but sensing a censorship opportunity perhaps, shrugs his shoulders and decides that 'Fascist' and 'Nazi' have to go from political discourse, but 'Socialist' has to stay because "there are Socialists on Capitol Hill!" - please don't point out that it's only Bernie Sanders and that Socialists haven't had a real presence on Capitol Hill since about 1930, and that he just looks silly.

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