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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

David Frum Reacts To Sarah Palin's Interview

Sarah Palin's defense basically backfires, mostly because of what David Frum describes as a "self-aggrandizing" tone. Very perceptive!

It's tough trying to keep one's balance at the top. Like balancing on logs in a raging Alaskan river during flood season. Because Palin wasn't careful enough in the 2008 and 2010 election seasons with her gun rhetoric and her associations with candidates she was supporting who employed even stronger rhetoric, she was taken by surprise by accusations in the wake of Gifford's shooting. She blamed left media for those accusations, and she's lashing back, but Frum is correct: she needs to stop talking and stop trying to get even - she's only hurting herself further with confusing 'blood libel' talk. Palin needs to learn what she can from the mess and change the subject. That's what professional politicians do.

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