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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cheryl Bly-Chester Makes Formal Announcement Of Candidacy For Fourth Assembly Seat

Here she goes!
Cheryl Bly-Chester has announced that she will file papers to run for the 4th Assembly District tomorrow at 11 a.m. Bly-Chester has owned an environmental consulting business for 14 years while being a single mother of three.

Bly-Chester founded Rosewood Environmental Engineering in 1997. She has a 35-year engineering career in the water resources, transportation, energy and hazardous waste/environmental fields. For the last 22 years she has conducted environmental engineering projects in 22 states and 13 countries, providing consulting to dozens of industries, including ski tourism, mining and energy, water, construction and transportation. Her practice includes helping businesses unravel regulatory red tape to help protect them from undue government corrective action, fees, and fines.

Bly-Chester said she wants to use her experience to help the constituents of the 4th Assembly District:

"I was laid-off when the company where I worked was bought-out by a large French firm. I hope that my experience starting a business from the ground up, while being a single mother will resonate with voters. What sets me apart from the other candidates is my private-sector experience with water resources, energy, mineral and other natural resources, building, agricultural, and land-use issues - virtually of all the industries that are so important to the economy and jobs of the 4th district. In addition, I have also worked to protect the tourism industry in the district, because I know the importance of tourism to the Lake Tahoe area and the white-water rafting industry based on my term as a Placer County Parks and Recreation Commissioner, ski resort regulatory advisor, time share owners advisory board member, raft guide, kayak instructor, and outdoor enthusiast.

"My campaign is on behalf of those who are working hard yet struggling to get ahead in this economy. We need a common sense approach to government," said Bly-Chester. "As the founder and owner of a small business, I believe in low taxes, and as a single mother leading a household and facing college tuitions, I believe that government should be spending within its means like the rest of us and investing in the future for the next generation. Let's combine those principles and get this economy moving again."

While maintaining her business, Bly-Chester has also been busy raising three children as a single mother.

"It has been a challenge, but I am very proud of the young adults they have become."

Bly-Chester's private-sector expertise is also complemented by her policy and political experience.

• Served on the CA State Reclamation (Flood Protection) Board
• Served on the State Mining Board
• Placer County Parks and Recreation Commissioner
• Worked at both the CA Department of Water Resources and CalTrans
• Served with the Placer County Building Industry Association
• Volunteered for decades in support of our military
• Placer County Chair of the Meg Whitman for Governor campaign
• Elected Member, Central Committee, Placer County Republican Party
• Member of the Placer County Republican Congress
• Member of the Republican Women's Federated

An extended list of Bly-Chester's affiliations can be found here.

Political story

Asked about her 2003 run for Governor during the recall, Bly-Chester said: "In my consulting business I had become extremely frustrated with the onerous regulations dragging down the California industries that create jobs. My colleagues said 'put up or shut up.' So I stepped onto the statewide stage to call attention to how the state regulations were hurting us more than helping us."

It was during that long-shot campaign that Bly-Chester was interviewed by Tom Sullivan on KFBK. "He commented that he was impressed with my background and would like to see me get into more mainstream elections and run in my community. His encouraging comments struck home and have stayed with me ever since."

In the next election cycle, she ran and was elected to the Placer County Republican Central Committee, to which she was again elected for this new term. After considering an earlier run in 2008 for the 4th Assembly District, Bly-Chester has now announced that she will make her run official.

Cheryl Bly-Chester's campaign is being advised by James Fisfis, Chariot LLC.

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