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Monday, January 31, 2011

Boob Of A Bartender

Most of the weekend, I was employed in various DMTC-related tasks. On Saturday night, I was virtually the only person available to bartend DMTC's bar.

I'm a complete boob with alcohol, and I didn't understand Jean's directions regarding the creation of cocktails. Thus, abruptly confronted with the need to slake the thirsts of the Saturday-night crowd, I created mixed drinks that were considerably stronger and certainly more voluminous than intended. As the evening progressed, sales for wine and beer slowed, and sales of spirits soared. I received generous tips and great praise. The audience seemed increasingly happy, and when they returned to their seats for Act 2, their applause for the show was very (perhaps even unnaturally) boisterous. I have since been chastised, and it won't happen again, but I was successful in bringing in more money from alcohol sales on Saturday night than on any other evening since DMTC started selling alcohol (with the single exception of New Year's Eve).

On Saturday around noon, it seemed dry enough to return to painting the back porch. I painted some of the porch's pillars a pastel green. Unfortunately, it rained harder than I expected Saturday night and Sunday morning, washing off a significant fraction of the paint I had just applied, thus necessitating a redo next weekend. The paint washed into a concrete basin under the porch, creating a nice but very peculiar milky tone to the water that gathered there.

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