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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blame The Victim

It isn't just the blood-libelled diva from Wasilla who's sulking. The Tucson Tea Party folks are feeling victimized too. But perhaps Humphries has a point. Maybe it was all Gabrielle Gifford's fault. And when Sarah Palin gets shot, it will be all her fault too:
Pressed on whether he was concerned when he heard Giffords's warning about Palin's use of gunsights and calls for supporters not to retreat but "reload" in fighting Democrats, Humphries did not retreat. "It's political gamesmanship. The real case is that she [Giffords] had no security whatsoever at this event. So if she lived under a constant fear of being targeted, if she lived under this constant fear of this rhetoric and hatred that was seething, why would she attend an event in full view of the public with no security whatsoever?" he said.

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