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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"The Secret"

On Saturday, I watched "The Secret" film on DVD.

I'm the wrong one for this stuff. I'm w-a-a-a-ay too secular! Hardly a spiritual bone left!

Part of this reminds me what the hippie Buddhists who lived next-door were peddling when I was a teenager (but with better cinematographic values). And you couldn't fault the hippie Buddhists either (they got in on the Indian jewelry boom of the early-70's, and prospered, when the rest of us were edging towards hunger), but I attribute that to timing, not message.

The Law of Attraction seems a little different than related laws offered by the evangelical Buddhists, but I just have NO ability to focus on it. No focus means no education.

For me, The Secret remains - The Secret....

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